Bianca introduces a stunned Carol and David to Terry Spraggan, her boyfriend. Unbeknownst to them, Terry’s two children are waiting outside with a taxi full of luggage, cross-examining a policeman about the crime scene at No 27. Bianca’s upset by Carol’s less than enthusiastic welcome. In the café, Morgan tells Liam, Tiffany and Whitney that Bianca’s back. Bianca’s stunned to learn of Alice’s arrest. The Butcher kids rush home - a fight immediately ensues with the Spraggan children over Tiffany’s demon mask. Terry breaks up the scrap and introduces his son and daughter, TJ and Rosie. Carol tells David now that Bianca’s back he should do what he came here for, then go. Bianca holds a family conference explaining that Terry, Rosie and TJ are moving in; the kids are unimpressed. Terry is cross-examined by David and Masood about ex-girlfriends. Bianca explains Terry’s landlord threw him out. Carol chides Bianca – she was supposed to be bettering herself on her course but instead she’s come back with a fancy man. Bianca’s downcast and seeks solace in Terry’s taxi. Terry comforts Bianca. Later in the Vic, David gives Bianca an envelope of cash but she insists it’s too late to make amends. Bianca’s convinced David’s only returned for Carol and tells him to leave. Back home, Bianca intervenes as the Butcher and Spraggan kids argue, orders them to make it work as a family, and takes them to see the fireworks on the Square. Terry tells Tiffany about his third date with Bianca. Tiffany says Bianca reminds her of David. Later, Bianca finds David with his bags packed, ostensibly about to leave. Relenting, Bianca admits that she wants David to stay and be a dad and granddad, but he must lay off Terry and never hurt Carol again.